Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome or DS, is a genetic disorder which is caused by the presence of a part of the third copy of chromosome 21. It is also named as trisomy 21. Down Syndrome is a kind of cerebral disability which tends to stop the growth of a child at a very certain age. Generally, people are inherited with 23 pairs of chromosomes, but this disability occurs when the child develops with an extra part of chromosome 21.

Parent of the disabled ones is genetically normal with no symptoms of this disease. Studies have shown that this extra part of chromosome 21 is believed to occur by chance, still, it can be detected at a very early stage of pregnancy with the help of diagnostic testing or genetic testing, which is done after birth. Diagnostic testing can be done by CVS (chorionic villus sampling) and amniocentesis and provide 100% accurate results. There are only 1% chances that a person is found to be suffering from Down Syndrome having a hereditary component. Those who are suffering from Down Syndrome actually show physical and intellectual disabilities, also showing mental abilities similar to an 8-9-year-old child.

Parents having one child with Down Syndrome, have 1% chances of having another with the same disability.

Down Syndrome affects the life of a person as a whole and there is no proven lifelong treatment for it. Symptoms include delayed physical growth, eye diseases, low muscle tone, and loose joints. They have an increased chance of health diseases like congenital heart diseases, epilepsy, thyroid, blood cancer, and other physical and neurological disorders. Though children suffering from Down Syndrome require extra attention, love, and care, they exhibit different talents.

Approximately, 1 in 700 babies in the U.S. is born with Down Syndrome. In the U.S., around 6000 babies are born every year with Down Syndrome.

The main reason for Down Syndrome is still not discovered. However, the age of the mother is still a risk factor. The older is the age of the mother, higher is the chances of her giving birth to a child having Down Syndrome.

No such treatment for Down Syndrome has been discovered yet but there are ways to detect it at an early stage. The diagnosis helps in detecting this disability pre and post birth. Screening is another method for detecting Down Syndrome at an early stage. It is usually performed when the woman is 10-15 weeks pregnant while blood tests and ultrasounds are other methods too. There are no medications or drugs allocated for the treatment of Down Syndrome but there are some medications which help to relieve the pain.

Pharma market research firms are working so hard and researching on different platforms to find other effective ways for the treatment of Down Syndrome. Delveinsight is one of those, offering reports, pipeline insights, market insights.


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