Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Market Insights, Epidemiology and Market Forecast-2028

DelveInsight’s ‘Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Market Insights, Epidemiology and Market Forecast-2028 NASH Market report delivers an in-depth understanding of the disease, historical & forecasted epidemiology as well as the NASH market trends in the United States, EU5 (Germany, Spain, Italy, France and United Kingdom), and Japan.

The Report provides the current nonalcoholic steatohepatitis treatment practices, emerging drugs, NASH market share of the individual therapies, current and forecasted market size of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis from 2016 to 2028 segmented by seven major markets. The Report also covers current treatment practice/algorithm, market drivers, market barriers and unmet medical needs to curate best of the opportunities and assess underlying potential of the market.

  • The United States
  • EU5 (Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom)
  • Japan
Study Period: 2016-2028

Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) is the progressive form of liver injury that carries a risk of progressive fibrosis, cirrhosis, and end-stage liver disease. It is an advanced form of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), caused by buildup of fat in the liver. When this buildup causes inflammation and damage, it is known as NASH, which can lead to scarring of the liver. Scarring of the liver is a potentially life-threatening condition called cirrhosis. Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis usually comes under the category of silent diseases that has very few or no symptoms typically because it doesn’t cause any symptoms until it’s too late.
The classification of fibrosis stages of NASH is as follows: No Fibrosis (F0), NASH Fibrosis (F1, F2 and F3), and NASH Cirrhosis (F4). According to various studies, such as Schuppan D [2019], Siddharth Singh [2014], and others NASH has been defined to keep progressing from early stages (F0 and F1) to advanced stages (F2, F3, F4) over time. The development of NASH with cirrhosis increases the risk of NASH Decompensated Cirrhosis and ultimately to death.
The DelveInsight Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis market report gives the thorough understanding of the NASH by including details such as disease definition, classification, symptoms, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic trends. It also provides treatment algorithms and treatment guidelines for NASH in the US, Europe, and Japan.

The NASH Epidemiology division provide the insights about historical and current patient pool and forecasted trend for every 8 major countries. It helps to recognize the causes of current and forecasted trends by exploring numerous studies and views of key opinion leaders. This part of the DelveInsight report also provides the diagnosed patient pool and their trends along with assumptions undertaken.

The disease epidemiology covered in the report provides historical as well as forecasted epidemiology [segmented by Total Prevalent Cases of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Total Prevalent cases of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Segmentation by Fibrosis Stage] scenario of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in the 7MM countries covering United States, EU5 countries (Germany, Spain, Italy, France and United Kingdom), and Japan from 2016-2028.
According to DelveInsight, increase in obesity, diabetes population will significantly increase the prevalent cases of NAFLD with the CAGR of 1.02% for the study period i.e. 2016-2028 in the 7MM. Of all the prevalent cases of NAFLD in the 7MM, approximately 19% of the population fulfilled the criteria for NASH. These cases are expected to increase throughout the study period [2016-2028], reaching nearly 47 million cases in 2028. We estimate highest prevalence of NASH in the United States, accounting for almost 50% of the total prevalent cases, followed by Japan. On the other hand, it is assessed that among the European countries, Germany accounted for the highest prevalent population, followed by Italy. Among all the 7MM countries, Spain had the lowest prevalent population.

This segment of the Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis report encloses the detailed analysis of marketed drugs and late stage (Phase-III and Phase-II) pipeline drugs. It also helps to understand the clinical trial details, expressive pharmacological action, agreements and collaborations, approval and patent details, advantages and disadvantages of each included drug and the latest news and press releases.
NASH treatment depends on the stage of the disease. Currently, there is no approved therapy for the treatment of NASH, yet doctors prescribe certain off-label drugs (supportive therapies) for its management. Lifestyle modifications are however the first line treatment. Lifestyle modifications include going for weight loss combined with active exercise program. Diet is also planned accordingly.
Medications are then prescribed in the later stages when lifestyle modifications do not produce significant results. Insulin sensitizing agents are prescribed in certain cases, however, metformin produced good results but on a temporary basis, due to which it is not recommended much. Pioglitazone is recommended in selected cases for patients already suffering with type II diabetes.
Vitamin E produces very significant results and is prescribed in most cases. Vitamin E is a first line therapy only for patients without diabetes. It is not recommended for patients with diabetes, NASH cirrhosis or cryptogenic cirrhosis. Statins are also prescribed in cases when a person has the cardiovascular risk associated with NASH. Statins are not recommended until histologic data are available.
Detailed chapters of upcoming therapies such as Elafibranor (Genfit), OCA (Intercept Pharmaceuticals), Selonsertib (Gilead Sciences), Cenicriviroc (Allergan- Tobira), GS-9674 (Gilead Sciences), Aramchol_005 (Galmed), MSDC-0602K (Cirius Therapeutics), Emricasan (Conatus Pharmaceuticals), and others which are expected to launch during the nonalcoholic steatohepatitis market forecast period [2019-2028] have also been covered in the report.

The Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis market outlook of the report helps to build the detailed comprehension of the historic, current and forecasted trend of the market by analyzing the impact of current therapies on the market, unmet needs, drivers and barriers and demand of better technology.
This segment gives a through detail of market trend of each marketed drug and late-stage pipeline therapy by evaluating their impact based on annual cost of therapy, inclusion and exclusion criteria’s, mechanism of action, compliance rate, growing need of the market, increasing patient pool, covered patient segment, expected launch year, competition with other therapies, brand value, their impact on the market and view of the key opinion leaders. The calculated market data are presented with relevant tables and graphs to give a clear view of the market at first sight.
Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis market treatment will experience significant annual growth over the 2016-2028 study period, as major-market sales increase up to USD 30,096.1 million by 2028. As the number of effective treatments for the NASH increases during the forecast period, the supportive therapies (off-label) market share will start to decrease, from a peak of 100% in 2016 to ~11% in 2028. Elafibranor (Genfit) will be the first drug for the NASH treatment which will targeting the NASH Fibrosis (F1, F2 & F3) patients and Obeticholic acid (OCA; Intercept Pharmaceutical) will give competition to Elafibranor.  Intercept’s OCA is expected to grab maximum nonalcoholic steatohepatitis market share, owing to its development to target all stages of NASH (F1 to F4), except F0 and with the increasing demand for therapies to treat advanced stage of NASH, i.e. cirrhosis.

This section focusses on the rate of uptake of the potential NASH drugs recently launched in the market or will get launched in the market during the study period from 2016-2028. The analysis covers market uptake by drugs; patient uptake by therapies and sales of each drug.
This helps in understanding the drugs with the most rapid uptake, reasons behind the maximal use of new drugs and allows the comparison of the drugs on the basis of market share and size which again will be useful in investigating factors important in market uptake and in making financial and regulatory decisions.
The leading companies in NASH market are Genfit, Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Gilead Sciences, Allergan (Tobira Therapeutics), Galmed Pharmaceuticals, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Cirius Therapeutics, Conatus Pharmaceuticals, Galectin Therapeutics, Immuron, NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Akcea Therapeutics and others. We expect that the launch of emerging therapies will fill the treatment void in the near future. The targeted therapies will have stronger penetration than the off-label therapies and the market is expected to reach in billions.

Intercept’s Obeticholic Acid (OCA) is expected to grab maximum market share, owing to its development to target all stages of NASH (F1 to F4), except F0 and with the increasing demand for therapies to treat advanced stage of NASH, i.e. cirrhosis, this drug is expected to influence the market size with a greater percentage.
Apart from OCA, Selonsertib, and Emricasan, two other drugs which are expected to enter the NASH therapeutic market targeting cirrhosis stage of NASH, include GR-MD-02 by Galectin Therapeutics and Immuron’s IMM-124E. Both of these drugs are expected will grab a significant proportion in the market size.
Furthermore, the expected launch of drugs, which are in the Phase II stage of clinical development shall significantly drive the market size forward. Emricasan (IDN-6556; Conatus Pharmaceuticals) is one of the drugs currently in Phase II, which will occupy more share in the therapeutic market of NASH as compared to two of the drugs in the Phase III, i.e. Cenicriviroc and Selonsertib.
It is expected that the NASH market size of currently available off-label therapies for the treatment shall decrease, owing to the launch of upcoming therapies in NASH market forecast period [2019-2028]. Moreover, the ratio of drugs that will target all the NASH stages (F1 to F4) to those that are restricted towards the treatment of only one-or two of the stages, will be significant. Overall, the increasing prevalence, awareness of the disease and promising emerging nonalcoholic steatohepatitis pipeline therapies will fuel the market size during the forecasted period of 2019-2028.

  • Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Patient Population
  • Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Therapeutic Approaches
  • NASH Pipeline Analysis
  • Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Market Size and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Market Trends
  • NASH Market Opportunities
  • Impact of upcoming Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Therapies
  • 10 Years Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Forecast
  • NASH 7MM Coverage
  • Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Epidemiology Segmentation
  • Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Key Cross Competition
  • Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Market Size by Therapies
  • NASH Drugs Uptake
  • NASH Pipeline Product Profiles
  • Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Key Products and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Key Players
  • NASH Market Drivers and NASH Market Barriers
  • This DelveInsight report will help to develop Business Strategies by understanding the trends shaping and driving Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis market
  • Organize NASH sales forecasting and marketing efforts by identifying the best opportunities for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis market
  • To understand the future market competition in the Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis market.

1.         Key Insights
2.         Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) Market Overview at a Glance
2.1.      Market Share (%) Distribution of NASH in 2016
2.2.      Market Share (%) Distribution of NASH in 2028
3.         Disease Background and Overview: Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
3.1.      Introduction
3.2.      Signs and Symptoms of NASH
3.3.      Causes and Risk Factors
3.4.      Classification of NASH
3.5.      Pathophysiology
3.5.1.   Pathogenesis
3.5.2.   Hedgehog signaling
3.6.      Diagnosis
3.6.1.   Physical examination
3.6.2.   Laboratory examination
3.6.3.   Blood tests
3.6.4.   Imaging tests
3.6.5.   Liver biopsy
3.6.6.   Current diagnostic Trends (Noninvasive fibrosis tests)
3.6.7.   Functional Diagnostic tools of NASH
4.         Epidemiology and Patient Population
4.1.      Key Findings
5.         7MM Epidemiology
5.1.      Total Prevalent Cases of NAFLD in 7MM
5.2.      Total Prevalent cases of NASH in 7MM
6.         United States Epidemiology
6.1.      Assumptions and Rationale
6.2.      Total Prevalent Cases of NAFLD in the United States
6.3.      Total Prevalent cases of NASH in the United States
6.4.      NASH Segmentation by Fibrosis Stage in the United States
7.         EU5 Epidemiology
7.1.      Germany Epidemiology
7.1.1.   Assumptions and Rationale
7.1.2.   Total Prevalent Cases of NAFLD in Germany
7.1.3.   Total Prevalent cases of NASH in Germany
7.1.4.   NASH Segmentation by Fibrosis Stage in Germany
7.2.      France Epidemiology
7.2.1.   Assumptions and Rationale
7.2.2.   Total Prevalent Cases of NAFLD in France
7.2.3.   Total Prevalent cases of NASH in France
7.2.4.   NASH Segmentation by Fibrosis Stage in France
7.3.      Italy Epidemiology
7.3.1.   Assumptions and Rationale
7.3.2.   Total Prevalent Cases of NAFLD in Italy
7.3.3.   Total Prevalent Cases of NASH in Italy
7.3.4.   NASH Segmentation by Fibrosis Stage in Italy
7.4.      Spain Epidemiology
7.4.1.   Assumptions and Rationale
7.4.2.   Total Prevalent Cases of NAFLD in Spain
7.4.3.   Total Prevalent cases of NASH in Spain
7.4.4.   NASH Segmentation by Fibrosis Stage in Spain
7.5.      United Kingdom Epidemiology
7.5.1.   Assumptions and Rationale
7.5.2.   Total Prevalent Cases of NAFLD in the United Kingdom
7.5.3.   Total Prevalent cases of NASH in the United Kingdom
7.5.4.   NASH Segmentation by Fibrosis Stage in the United Kingdom
7.6.      Japan Epidemiology
7.6.1.   Assumptions and Rationale
7.6.2.   Total Prevalent Cases of NAFLD in Japan
7.6.3.   Total Prevalent cases of NASH in Japan
7.6.4.   NASH Segmentation by Fibrosis Stage in Japan
8.         Treatment Goals
9.         Treatment Algorithm
10.       Experts Opinions for Off-Label (Supportive Therapies) drugs for the treatment of NASH
11.       Treatment Guidelines
11.1.    American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) Current Recommendations for NAFLD/NASH
11.2.    EASL–EASD–EASO* Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
11.3.    Guideline for NAFLD/NASH, by the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology (JSG) in cooperation with “The Japan Society of Hepatology”
12.       Unmet needs
13.       Key Cross Competitors
14.       Emerging Drugs
14.1.    Elafibranor (GFT505): Genfit
14.1.1. Drug Description
14.1.2. Other Development Activities
14.1.3. Advantages & Disadvantages
14.1.4. Clinical Development
14.1.5. Clinical Trials Information
14.1.6. Safety and Efficacy
14.1.7. Product Profile
14.2.    Obeticholic Acid (OCA, Ocaliva): Intercept Pharmaceuticals
14.2.1. Drug Description
14.2.2. Other Development Activities
14.2.3. Advantages & Disadvantages
14.2.4. Clinical Development
14.2.5. Clinical Trials Information
14.2.6. Safety and Efficacy
14.2.7. Product Profile
14.3.    Selonsertib (SEL, Formerly GS-4997): Gilead Sciences
14.3.1. Drug Description
14.3.2. Other Development Activities
14.3.3. Advantages & Disadvantages
14.3.4. Clinical Development
14.3.5. Clinical Trials Information
14.3.6. Safety and Efficacy
14.3.7. Product Profile
14.4.    Cenicriviroc (CVC): Allergan (Tobira Therapeutics)
14.4.1. Drug Description
14.4.2. Other Development Activities
14.4.3. Advantages and Disadvantages
14.4.4. Clinical Development
14.4.5. Clinical Trials Information
14.4.6. Safety and Efficacy
14.4.7. Product Profile
14.5.    GS-9674: Gilead Sciences
14.5.1. Drug Description
14.5.2. Other Developmental Activities
14.5.3. Clinical Development
14.5.4. Clinical Trials Information
14.5.5. Safety and Efficacy
14.5.6. Product Profile
14.6.    GS-0976: Gilead Sciences
14.6.1. Drug Description
14.6.2. Other Development Activities
14.6.3. Clinical Development
14.6.4. Clinical Trials Information
14.6.5. Safety and Efficacy
14.6.6. Product Profile
14.7.    Aramchol_005: Galmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
14.7.1. Drug Description
14.7.2. Other Development Activities
14.7.3. Clinical Development
14.7.4. Clinical Trials Information
14.7.5. Safety and Efficacy
14.7.6. Product Profile
14.8.    BMS-986036 (Pegylated FGF21): Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS)
14.8.1. Drug Description
14.8.2. Other Development Activities
14.8.3. Clinical Development
14.8.4. Clinical Trials Information
14.8.5. Safety and Efficacy
14.8.6. Product Profile
14.9.    IMM-124E: Immuron
14.9.1. Drug Description
14.9.2. Other Developmental Activities
14.9.3. Clinical Development
14.9.4. Clinical Trials Information
14.9.5. Safety and Efficacy
14.9.6. Product Profile
14.10.  GR-MD-02: Galectin Therapeutics
14.10.1.           Drug Description
14.10.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.10.3.           Clinical Development
14.10.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.10.5.           Safety and Efficacy
14.10.6.           Product Profile
14.11.  Emricasan (IDN-6556): Conatus Pharmaceuticals
14.11.1.           Drug Description
14.11.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.11.3.           Clinical Development
14.11.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.11.5.           Safety and Efficacy
14.11.6.           Product Profile
14.12.  MSDC-0602K: Cirius Therapeutics
14.12.1.           Drug Description
14.12.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.12.3.           Clinical Development
14.12.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.12.5.           Safety and Efficacy
14.12.6.           Product Profile
14.13.  NGM282: NGM Biopharmaceuticals
14.13.1.           Drug Description
14.13.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.13.3.           Clinical Development
14.13.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.13.5.           Safety and Efficacy
14.13.6.           Product Profile
14.14.  JKB-121 (Nalmefene): TaiwanJ Pharmaceuticals
14.14.1.           Drug Description
14.14.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.14.3.           Clinical Development
14.14.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.14.5.           Safety and Efficacy
14.14.6.           Product Profile
14.15.  Semaglutide: Novo Nordisk
14.15.1.           Drug Description
14.15.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.15.3.           Clinical Development
14.15.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.15.5.           Product Profile
14.16.  LMB763: Novartis Pharmaceuticals
14.16.1.           Product Description
14.16.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.16.3.           Clinical Development
14.16.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.16.5.           Product Profile
14.17.  LJN452 (Tropifexor): Novartis Pharmaceuticals
14.17.1.           Drug Description
14.17.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.17.3.           Clinical Development
14.17.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.17.5.           Product Profile
14.18.  MT-3995 (Apararenone): Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma
14.18.1.           Drug Description
14.18.2.           Clinical Development
14.18.3.           Clinical Trials Information
14.18.4.           Product Profile
14.19.  MN-001 (Tipelukast): MediciNova
14.19.1.           Drug Description
14.19.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.19.3.           Clinical Development
14.19.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.19.5.           Safety and Efficacy
14.19.6.           Product Profile
14.20.  MGL-3196: Madrigal Pharmaceuticals
14.20.1.           Drug Description
14.20.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.20.3.           Clinical Development
14.20.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.20.5.           Safety and Efficacy
14.20.6.           Product Profile
14.21.  Lanifibranor (IVA33): Inventiva Pharma
14.21.1.           Drug Description
14.21.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.21.3.           Clinical Development
14.21.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.21.5.           Safety and Efficacy
14.21.6.           Product Profile
14.22.  Solithromycin (CEM-101): Cempra Inc (Melinta Therapeuctics)
14.22.1.           Drug Description
14.22.2.           Other Development Activities
14.22.3.           Clinical Development
14.22.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.22.5.           Safety and Efficacy
14.22.6.           Product Profile
14.23.  CF102 (Namodenoson): Can-Fite BioPharma
14.23.1.           Drug Description
14.23.2.           Other Developmental Activities
14.23.3.           Clinical Development
14.23.4.           Clinical Trials Information
14.23.5.           Safety and Efficacy
14.23.6.           Product Profile
15.       Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH): 7 Major Market Analysis
15.1.    Key Findings
15.2.    Market Size: Assumptions and Forecast Parameters
15.3.    Market Size of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) in 7MM
15.4.    Market Distribution (%) of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), in 2016, 2022 and 2028, in the 7MM
16.       The United States: Market Outlook
16.1.    The United States Market Size
16.1.1. Total Market size of NASH
16.1.2. Market Size of NASH by Therapies
17.       EU5: Market Outlook
17.1.    Germany Market Size
17.1.1. Total Market size of NASH
17.1.2. Market Size of NASH by Therapies
17.2.    France Market Size
17.2.1. Total Market size of NASH
17.2.2. Market Size of NASH by Therapies
17.3.    Italy Market Size
17.3.1. Total Market size of NASH
17.3.2. Market Size of NASH by Therapies
17.4.    Spain Market Size
17.4.1. Total Market size of NASH
17.4.2. Market Size of NASH by Therapies
17.5.    The United Kingdom Market Size
17.5.1. Total Market size of NASH
17.5.2. Market Size of NASH by Therapies
18.       Japan: Market Outlook
18.1.    Japan Market Size
18.1.1. Total Market size of NASH
18.1.2. Market Size of NASH by Therapies
19.       Market Drivers
20.       Market Barriers
21.       Appendix
21.1.    Report Methodology
22.       DelveInsight Capabilities
23.       Disclaimer
24.       About DelveInsight


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